Dear I.S. 24 Students and Families,
On Wednesday, February, 24th we as a school will begin to prepare for the return of students to in-person learning back in the school building after three months. NYC Schools have been provided the ability and flexibility to allow Teachers and Staff to prepare.
The school day on this Wednesday will have asynchronous instruction (students will be working on tasks independently) to take place period 1, 2, and 3. Synchronous instruction (live teaching) will take place virtually period 4,5,6,7,8 as is seen on a student program. on a Wednesday. Wednesday, February 24th is still a regular attendance day and student attendance is expected and will be taken as usual.
We welcome back our students for the first time on Thursday, February 25th with Cohort B and any students who have had changes made to programs. Cohort C will return on Friday, February 26th.
We look forward to our building coming alive again with students and our staff.
Lenny Santamaria