Fully remote learning model students now have an option to change to blended learning

I hope you, as well as all around you, are well at this time. These last few weeks have been something to learn from and live with and we hope to be better and stronger as we continue to move forward this school year. Parents/Guardians you are doing the best you possibly can and we appreciate that more than you know. Thank you for your ongoing support.
At this time if you have a student(s) who is currently in a fully remote learning model you now have an option to change to blended learning. This is the only opportunity a family will have when this will be permitted this school year. 
By using this link here, you can make your change to blended learning.
Please note the dates to request the change by and when the change goes into effect.
Monday, November 2 – Sunday, November 15: Blended Learning Opt-In Window for Families 
From November 16-23 the Assistant Principal of the Grade your child is in will notify you of the new Cohort (A, B or C) your child will belong to for Blended Learning.
Week of November 30:  Students Begin In-Person Learning who switched from fully remote.
The benefits of blended learning are many such as the ability to safely be around others, learn in a physical classroom, interact with other adults outside of the home, break bread together during communal lunch time and use management and organization skills which can be very helpful to our students who are navigating this new way of doing things while growing up at the same time. We really hope many students will return for in-person learning as it would be best to maintain real world routines.
There will be no other time this school year to come back to in-person learning. I understand many families may not agree with that, but our school is following the policy set by the NYC Department of Education. Many unknowns are still in front of us, but it may seem better to make the change now that we have seen what over four weeks in school have been.
Our lighthouse is ready to welcome you back and we miss you!
Lenny Santamaria
