Dear I.S. 24 Parents/Guardinans,
This communication from the NYC Department of Education includes more information about both remote and blended learning options so families are better empowered to make a decision by tomorrow, Friday, August 7 on your child(ren) taking part in remote learning or in-person learning. Once all this information is received our school will finalize plans and share with you shortly this month. Please read the Chancellor's letter carefully.
As of this moment we can tell you the tentative first day of school for students, either in-person or remote, will be Thursday, September 10, 2020. The model our school will use is below and what day your child will come to school will be decided upon by pour school and shared at a later date this month with families.
We will also begin using our school website for communication and plans regarding the start of school next week. Be sure to check the site often.
Thank you for your ongoing patience, support and understanding as we move to a brand new way to welcome back students to school in September.